Ophthalmic Products

Ophthalmic Products & Nutraceuticals

Enjoy healthy margins while offering patients the medications and nutraceuticals needed for optimal eye health.

PECAA Strategic Vendor Partners

Preferred Member Pricing, Immediate Revenue Opportunity

From the ophthalmic products you dispense most often to nutraceuticals that can have an immediate impact on your practice revenue, take advantage of HEA’s preferred member pricing from industry-leading manufacturers and distributors.

All PECAA Ophthalmic Products & Nutraceutical Vendors

PECAA ophthalmic products and nutraceutical vendors offer a broad portfolio of products to support your dispensing needs and your patients' optimum eye health.

Ophthalmic Products

  • AbbVie
  • Bausch + Lomb
  • Bio-Tissue
  • Bruder Healthcare Company
  • Hilco Vision
  • MacuHealth
  • My Medical Supply
  • Oasis Medical
  • Regener-Eyes
  • ScienceBased Health
  • SIOS (Santinelli International Optical Supplies)



Vendors by Category